Partnerships and Strategic Alliances
RSM Federal actively partners with profit and non-profit organizations. We partner with other companies under three tiers: Strategic Alliance, Channel, and Affiliate.
RSM Federal partners with other agencies and organizations to provide increased value to both company's new and existing clients and members.
Strategic Alliance
This is the strongest relationship where both companies proactively target and jointly engage the market. RSM Federal supports strategic alliances with both profit and non-profit organizations. Includes highly branded, co-bundled, and / or co-labeled solutions. May require a formal agreement with integrated online presence and joint marketing. All coaches under the Certified Coaching Program are strategic alliances. RSM Federal has a strategic alliance with the following organizations:
Channel Partner
A channel partner is provided access to one or more of our products, programs, or services. The channel partner often markets our solutions as a solution with their existing products and services. Requires a formal partnership agreement. RSM Federal has channel partnerships with the following organizations:
Affiliate Partner
Affiliates do not require a formal partnership agreement. A verbal agreement and signed NDA between our organizations is all that is required to support each other to further individual or joint objectives. May include joint webinars, joint marketing, website links, guest panelists, or writing articles. Due to issues of regulatory neutrality, the affiliate partner tier may be the only viable partnership level for DoD and other government non-profit organizations. RSM Federal is an affiliate partner with the following organizations: